Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Home a Vacation Destination

August 11, 2018  
Filed under Blog

Last week, Joan and I were happy to host a four-day visit from our good friend Vicki, from Carson City. In preparation, we   spruced-up the guest room -- a new day bed, fresh linens, and removed excess from the room.

And, yes, we took another four-day staycation! This one a bit different from the one we took in July!

Our first evening, we hung out here at our home with only a quick outing for a bite to eat at our local New Mecca restaurant. Why not enjoy our river view -- the sites and sounds of boats and yachts sailing by, jet skis, tug boats, and the beauty of the large ships?

Nothing like sharing the area we live in and love, seeing it afresh through Vicki's appreciative eyes.

The next morning, we breakfasted out at one of our favorites, Chows in Lafayette. After all, who wants to cook on vacation, right?

We stopped by a little store nearby, Amphora Nueva, which has premium extra virgin olive oils --fused and infused olive oils. Plus, aged balsamic vinegar in many flavors. Along with other specialty oils and gourmet products. We taste tested a number of combinations and came away with basil infused olive oil paired with peach balsamic. Delicious!

Driving back from Lafayette, we explored Reliez Valley Road with its country views and livestock. Along the way, we stopped by  the Buddha Gate Monastery, the John Muir house historic site, and the Martinez Regional shore line. We needed a pit-stop by that time -- thank you porta-potties!

Who knew we had so many tourist destinations?

The following day our meal out was in Benicia at the First St. Café. The Café serves the most delicious portobello mushroom sandwich, marinated overnight to perfection.

We walked off our meal along the water front next to the Carquinez straight. From there such great sites: Vallejo, Martinez, and Crockett across the water; gulls, heron, crows, California condors; and all the sail boats moored at the Benicia harbor.

Our last day together, we explored Pittsburg -- the river view, boat harbor, the harbor walking paths and nearby community parks. We spotted two turtles in the water, soaking up the morning sunshine.

All-in-all a very satisfying staycation.

Fortunately, we had prepared our home in advance so that we could relax and enjoy it.

How about you? Are you considering a stay-at-home vacation (staycation)? If so, maybe our Top 10 will make your home a great destination!

And, in case you noticed any of those top 10 are not in your area of expertise or desire to do around your home, consider asking for our help with our with our August special --  Make Your Home a Vacation Destination.


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