Monday, May 20, 2024

Do you regularly clutter clear your home?

Joan and I run the Handyman business together. I do the hands-on and Joan shares her amazing organizing, money, and business knowledge. I know Joan's help has made our business successful.
Even though Joan is my "Tidy up Queen", we are taking a clutter cleaning workshop together. 

We take workshops and classes to learn new things together, you know to "sharpen our saw". This week is The Ultimate Clutter Clearing Workshop. Today I learned to hold our living spaces in my mind, to imagine/explore the feel of all the items in the environment.

Through this exercise, I was able to find my irritation with a chair blocking our entrance into the living room. Joan and I then talked about other issues we had with the rest of the house. Our discussion led to the decision to move that chair into another area of our home.

However, as Joan pointed out, the wood tone of the chair, a Captain's Chair, was the wrong wood tone. She suggested that I change the color by using a product I have used for clients' cabinets in their homes. The product is Watco. A Danish finishing oil that colors and stains wood. I look forward to that project so as to enjoy the chair in its rightful place.

With Joan's guidance, we have already "Tidied Up" throughout the house. That's what made this workshop energizing. We have already talked about other suggestions we have in order to make our home more pleasurable.

We hope we can help you with any "Tidy Up" projects you have. Maybe clearing stuff out or to a new place in your home? Just give us a call.

Do you turn to meditation?

During these times of change, I have turned to meditation to balance my life. I realized that following the news, bingeing on social media updates, and getting off balance about my sports team is not on my path.

So Joan, our dog Eldred, and I start the day with readings and meditation, moving meditation, or guided meditation.

Years ago, I practiced a form of moving meditation/martial art called Aikido. It was very close to dancing with a partner; rhythm, spacing, tempo, and blending. I understand Bruce Lee was a very good dance instructor and martial artist. That makes good sense to me. 

Although I am not Mr. Lee, I lean toward practicing Tai Chi and Yoga with "legs up the wall" and guided seated meditation. We even involve Eldred in our practices. 

After my morning practices, I feel so connected to the balance of my life.

I concentrate on the things I can control, by following my values, being in the now, and how I react to life happening around me.

Maybe you'd like more balance in your environment? Is there some way we can help you with that? We'd be glad to assist with your handyman or electrical needs -- contact us here

Who could resist a teddy bear advent calendar? Big kid or small!

Our daughter Lisa came by to visit. She brought gifts such as pajamas and a blanket for Joan. It has been months since we last saw Lisa, so this was such a joyous time. We laughed, shared recent events, and caught up about coming plans. 

Lisa and her family mailed a Build a Bear advent calendar to us, for Christmas joy. Joan, Eldred, and I have been opening one door a day to find the next surprise. Eldred thinks all teddy bears are her personal property and follows every move during our daily discoveries. 

You can tell from the title there are teddy bears and their clothing behind each door. At age 9 Joan would cut out paper people and clothing from catalogs. Build a Bear is remarkably like Joan dressing paper people. Each bear has its own wardrobe that we dress them in, with Eldred at our elbows waiting for us to give her a bear. Very fun – maybe not so much for Eldred, since she cannot have one. This daily delight was right up my alley. 

Build a Bear reminds me of how I am creative when I build for clients. Sometimes you must get creative to meet a client’s needs. Recently I replaced the rotten wood underneath a client’s kitchen sink. After installing the new wood, to add waterproofing, I re-purposed a clear plastic carpet protector normally used under desk chairs. Such a simple, and creative, solution!

Spending time with our daughter, enjoying a teddy bear advent calendar each day, and being creative for clients are a few of my favorite things! It doesn’t require Oprah to have delight, creativity, and joy-filled experiences in our holiday season. 

What are a few of your favorite things? Do you wish to have help making those come true? Let us know. 

Wishing you and yours a joy-filled holiday season!