Sunday, May 5, 2024

Who could resist a teddy bear advent calendar?

December 21, 2021  
Filed under Homeowner

Who could resist a teddy bear advent calendar? Big kid or small!

Our daughter Lisa came by to visit. She brought gifts such as pajamas and a blanket for Joan. It has been months since we last saw Lisa, so this was such a joyous time. We laughed, shared recent events, and caught up about coming plans. 

Lisa and her family mailed a Build a Bear advent calendar to us, for Christmas joy. Joan, Eldred, and I have been opening one door a day to find the next surprise. Eldred thinks all teddy bears are her personal property and follows every move during our daily discoveries. 

You can tell from the title there are teddy bears and their clothing behind each door. At age 9 Joan would cut out paper people and clothing from catalogs. Build a Bear is remarkably like Joan dressing paper people. Each bear has its own wardrobe that we dress them in, with Eldred at our elbows waiting for us to give her a bear. Very fun – maybe not so much for Eldred, since she cannot have one. This daily delight was right up my alley. 

Build a Bear reminds me of how I am creative when I build for clients. Sometimes you must get creative to meet a client’s needs. Recently I replaced the rotten wood underneath a client’s kitchen sink. After installing the new wood, to add waterproofing, I re-purposed a clear plastic carpet protector normally used under desk chairs. Such a simple, and creative, solution!

Spending time with our daughter, enjoying a teddy bear advent calendar each day, and being creative for clients are a few of my favorite things! It doesn’t require Oprah to have delight, creativity, and joy-filled experiences in our holiday season. 

What are a few of your favorite things? Do you wish to have help making those come true? Let us know. 

Wishing you and yours a joy-filled holiday season!  

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