Saturday, May 4, 2024

Do you turn to meditation?

January 31, 2022  
Filed under Homeowner

Do you turn to meditation?

During these times of change, I have turned to meditation to balance my life. I realized that following the news, bingeing on social media updates, and getting off balance about my sports team is not on my path.

So Joan, our dog Eldred, and I start the day with readings and meditation, moving meditation, or guided meditation.

Years ago, I practiced a form of moving meditation/martial art called Aikido. It was very close to dancing with a partner; rhythm, spacing, tempo, and blending. I understand Bruce Lee was a very good dance instructor and martial artist. That makes good sense to me. 

Although I am not Mr. Lee, I lean toward practicing Tai Chi and Yoga with “legs up the wall” and guided seated meditation. We even involve Eldred in our practices. 

After my morning practices, I feel so connected to the balance of my life.

I concentrate on the things I can control, by following my values, being in the now, and how I react to life happening around me.

Maybe you’d like more balance in your environment? Is there some way we can help you with that? We’d be glad to assist with your handyman or electrical needs — contact us here

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