Monday, May 13, 2024

We are so thankful for our freedom and independence!

July 23, 2019  
Filed under Homeowner

My Mother-In-Law is moving closer to us. That is a good thing. Soon we will only need to travel 20 minutes to see her, not 2 hours one way.

She is moving to an assisted living facility that will give her the extra help and socialization she needs. And since she is closer, we can also help. She is moving from a double-wide mobile to a one-bedroom apartment. Reducing her square footage, by way more than half.

The current challenge is releasing 35+ years of accumulated stuff she has. You know; extra coffee cups, extra chairs, extra furniture, memorabilia, etc.

We are so thankful to have the freedom and independence to help her move. And, I can use my handyman skills to support her, in coming our way.

My recent client appointment where I assembled a mail-order desk, comes in very handy doing the same for Mom. Not to mention the many other items I have assembled for clients such as shelving, wall and storage units, furniture, and add to that, the heavy lifting my clients have needed.

Now it is all down to timing — order moving truck, donate excess, pack up what is needed, and saying goodbye to all the memories stored within her home.

It can be mind boggling making sure to cross our Ts and dot our eyes. (Haha — pun intended!)

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