Monday, May 13, 2024

My tomatoes are growing and thriving! How about yours?

May 13, 2020  
Filed under Homeowner

It is wonderful what potting soil, sunlight and plenty of water can do for tomatoes. This is the first time my tomato plants have survived, let alone flourished. 

I have been cruising through YouTube videos for lessons about raising tomatoes. I now support the plants with string, add a liter of water at night, break off suckers, and soak thoroughly twice a week. I have many thumb size green tomatoes on the vine.

In years past, I lost my crops from neglect, more concerned with client work and other distractions. This year, Shelter-In-Place (SIP) has allowed me to spend much more time on gardening, DIY projects and tidy up tasks. My work truck is very thankful!

Although I get satisfaction doing DIY projects, my real calling is helping clients with their handyman and electrical needs. As an extrovert, I enjoy conversations with my clients about many varying subjects. These days, talking to myself is just not the same as finding out about you all, nor the same as talking to and working with my clients on their needs.

So, what fruits and veggies do you have in your garden? Let’s compare notes.

Always glad to hear how you are doing. Drop me a line. God bless and protect you all.

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