Tuesday, May 14, 2024

December … A time to help Mom get ready for Christmas!

December 12, 2019  
Filed under Homeowner

December, when I was growing up, was the time to help mom get ready for Christmas. Some of my favorite memories are of the whole nuts we cracked for cooking (and mostly eating); the tangerines as table decorations and Mom’s wonderful cooking. I especially loved the pies and had to have a large slice of each. Can you say stuffed?

We also spent time together, as a family, playing board games like Monopoly and Chinese Checkers. Nowadays, our family gathers to play Liverpool Rummy (cards), Mexican Train (dominoes) and a dice game called Farkle.

Anyone ready for a game of dice? Oh so fun to share this time together.

We hope you and your family can make and share special holiday memories with each other.

Happy holidays to your house from ours!

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