Monday, May 20, 2024

Are you ready to save time, money, and labor?

September 14, 2018  
Filed under Blog

Joan and I belong to a “Movie-lovers book club" (MLBC) at our local Pittsburg book store. We read and review the book then settle in with a bag of popcorn and snacks, and watch the movie made from it. Generally, the book we choose is far better than the movie, in fact most times the book is way better.

For example, Fahrenheit 451, was a very deep, thought-provoking book with a lousy movie. Ugh! Down right stinky, in fact. And, as one of the book club members says, and has the t-shirt to prove it, "Don't judge a book by its movie!"

This month the club selected, and I just finished reading, A GOOD YEAR, by Peter Mayle. It is a romantic story about an Englishman who returns to his uncle’s French wine estate, after his uncle dies. The biggest part of the story is the “romantic” idea of making wine; growing grapes, harvesting, wine production, and the ultimate enjoyment of the wine.

There is a great deal of labor that goes into wine production. One can only hope they love all the work, because I'm not sure I could do it.

In my business as handyman and electrician, I am always looking for more efficient ways to do what needs to be done. I step back and assess the situation to determine the best way to tackle the job. After all, time is money.

That is why I am sharing our Top 10 Time, Money, and Labor Savers.

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