Monday, May 20, 2024

One bite at a time!

July 26, 2017  
Filed under Blog

Most of our client visits start with a list. A list of projects the client finds most annoying and wants to get fixed.

Things like: the dripping bathroom faucet, the toilet that flushes on its’ own, the bedroom closet doors that fall off their tracks, garages packed full with no more room for cars, unbalanced washing machines that dance across the floor, and the bulb that burned out in the fixture 20 feet up.

Small annoyances, yes, we all have them. And, because they are small, or we have no time to deal with them, we tolerate them. As we do, the list grows.

You know … like the tiny hole in the screen that bothers you a lot at first. Then, day by day, you hardly notice it at all. Suddenly your house is inundated with spiders, flies, gnats and mosquitoes.

And you wonder … Where, oh where are they coming from?

Recently, I worked on a clients long list of annoyances. I organized her shed, changed the toilet seat, installed a grab bar, replaced the shower head, took recycling to the dump, changed water and A/C filters, and worked right through the whole list of her projects.

You too, most likely, have your own list of little annoyances, ones that suddenly seem big and overwhelming once you put them altogether. It can feel like an avalanche coming right at you.

How do you “eat an avalanche?” One small (bite) project at a time.

Or, maybe hand that list over to us! Why not take advantage of this month’s retainer special … “Small, tiny fixes and projects!”? Wouldn’t you rather be swimming?

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