Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Thinking Outside (and Inside) the Box For Your Storage Solutions

January 28, 2016  
Filed under Blog

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to take a look at all your “stuff” this month and decide what stays and what goes. Now it’s time to decide how to store what you’re keeping.There are a lot of ways to do that for any size of space.

Starting small
Everybody’s got a junk drawer. And probably a junk closet. Maybe a junk garage. Uh oh. That goes back to getting rid of stuff. But once you’ve whittled down the clutter, take a look at what you need to put where. Try using drawer organizers to group types of items — you can even use silverware trays (it’s okay, nobody will ever know). If it seems overwhelming, set a timer for 15 minutes and focus on one trouble spot. When the 15 minutes is up, you can choose to continue if you’re smack in the middle of things, or come back to it the next day without guilt.

I can see clearly now
When you’re ready, tackle bigger organizing tasks, like putting up new shelving or getting plastic tubs to keep your stuff in on those shelves. I don’t know about you, but I need to label boxes really well so I don’t immediately forget what’s in them. Even better, use clear tubs so you can see what’s in them, AND use labels. Group your stuff, too, don’t just throw everything into piles. Keep your Halloween stuff separate from your garden supplies and in a different box than all those coiled up extension cords.

Double duty
In small houses especially, storage that can do double duty is really valuable. Furniture like bench seats that have built-in drawers under them use up half the space of two separate items. Some storage can even be interesting decor. Show off collections  of fragile items in glass-top coffee tables or wall-mounted shadow boxes. In the bedroom, use Shaker-style rows of pegs for colorful necklaces or favorite neckties. A perfume or nail polish collection looks great in a small glass-front cabinet mounted to the bathroom wall. Pick funky vintage storage containers and repurpose them for that bohemian look that’s so popular right now. Anything can be art if it’s used to enhance the look of a room!

It can be easier, being green
Chances are, you have some houseplants. Even if you don’t, you might want to try starting some garden seeds early inside your home for the coming spring, or buying small starter plants while you wait for the yard to go from mud to something you can plant in. While you’re thinking about storage, it’s a great time to give your plants the ideal place to be organized and thrive. First, find the right window for the amount of sun your plants need. In front of this, you can use a low table, or open shelving if you need more vertical room. You may even want to install a greenhouse window that bumps out, or widen the windowsills to create the perfect “storage” for your plant friends.

The Fix-It Professionals can help you get organized in so many ways! We can assemble and move furniture, install a greenhouse window, put up shelving and specialty storage racks, get those wall-mounted pegs and cabinets in place, and lots more. Just give us a call today for help with all your storage needs. You can even hire us on retainer for the very best price.

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