Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Place for Your Stuff!

January 14, 2016  
Filed under Blog

So much “stuff” goes into storage at this time of year. Summer things like hoses and lawn furniture cushions need a place to go out of the weather, and now that the holidays are over, many of us are looking for places to stash the decorations for another year. It seems like big displays are becoming popular again, so there’s all the large outdoor decorations to find a home for. Where to put them?

Here are some ideas to optimize your storage:

Garage storageTake a Look at What You Have
Take a few minutes to walk around your place and look at it with an eye for storage. Look in your garage, attic, closets, basement, shed, or wherever you keep your stuff. Could the space be used better? Are there empty shelves, or hidden and forgotten piles of things you haven’t looked at in years? Do you have the bad habit of setting things down near the door so that you can’t even get to the back anymore? Another tip is to invite a friend over to help you look at things with fresh eyes. It’s easy to walk past things day after day until they blend into the walls! Together you may be able to start identifying wasted space and think of ways to use it better.

Get Rid of Stuff!
Unless you’re a Zen Master, you’ve probably got clutter. Hobby supplies and books you’ll “get around to,” and things that are “still good” and that you “might need someday” fill our homes. Don’t wait for spring cleaning, now is a great time to go through old stuff and either sell it, toss it, or give it away.

Get a Move On
Now that you’ve taken a hard look at what storage space you do have, and (hopefully) gotten rid of some things, think about how often you use all that stuff. Things that you use once a year, like holiday decorations, should be put in storage areas you don’t need to get to very often, like an attic, storage container, or the top of a closet out of reach. Make sure you use sturdy, waterproof containers, especially if you’re storing in a damp area like a basement. To combat bugs and mildew, use moth balls (which kills silverfish too) and dessicant packs (like the little “Do Not Eat” pillows you find in pill bottles, but bigger).

Build Better Organization
Many storage problems can be solved with better shelving and cabinets. For example, older kitchen cabinets often have loads of wasted space at the top. If you add a shelf or two, you can stash all kinds of seldom-used things up there like canning jars, holiday serving dishes, and large kitchen gadgets. Think about where you might need shelving, such as your garage, shed, storage container, or spare room. Also thinkfloor storage about what kind of shelves you need. Heavy-duty industrial shelves are now available at most home improvement stores and can hold hundreds of pounds. Storage tubs fit perfectly on them, too.
If you need professional help with reorganizing your house or office, you can actually hire a consultant from the National Association of Professional Organizers

They will help you do everything from organize your family photos to designing custom storage solutions.

Of course, if you need help putting together your new shelving or you need someone to build that custom storage just for you, the Fix-It Professionals are always here to help! We can also help with your heavy lifting and ladder climbing, so just give us a call today.

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