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Revitalize Your Kitchen With These Simple Upgrades

November 24, 2015  
Filed under Blog

As you pay more attention to your kitchen during the holiday food season, keep adding to your wish list for changes you’d like to make, either for you or for a potential buyer. You might even want to have fun making a few simple changes now before the big December rush. The big work should wait until after the holidays, though, just in case you run into unexpected issues.

handle for kitchen, John Silva, The Fix-It ProfessionalsJust Add Screwdriver

Some changes to your kitchen can be as easy as swapping out the cabinet hardware. Anybody with a little time and a screwdriver can do that. It might be a good time to check all the latches and replace any that aren’t closing properly. If it’s a self-closing hinge problem, you may need a handyman to help replace them so that the doors line up and close properly when you’re done.

Put On a New Coat
Paint is another easy fix. In a kitchen where there could be grease build-up, wash the walls thoroughly first so that the paint will stick properly. If the existing paint is glossy, you will also need to use a de-glosser chemical on it or the next layer of paint will not stick and could just peel right off in big pieces. Make sure you use a paint that’s easy to clean and durable.

track lighting, John Silva, The Fix-It ProfessionalsLight the Way
For bigger changes to your kitchen, you’ll probably want help. New lighting is a great way to change the look and atmosphere of your kitchen. You can fix those dark corners with directional or under-cabinet lights. If you want the kitchen to be a gathering place, pick out a showpiece ceiling fixture for the center of the room. If your kitchen doubles as your dining area, install dimmer switches so that you can go from bright lights for cooking to mood lighting for a quiet dinner or wine tasting.

Now That’s a Switch
Speaking of switches, make sure you have enough and that they do what you want, where you want them to. Some kitchen light switches almost seem like an afterthought, placed in weird areas or even in another room. These can be rewired to make more sense. And, while you’re at it, upgrade the switch to something more attractive than beige plastic: One fun choice is a retro push-button switch like you might see in an old movie or cartoon. Even a different style of switch plate that matches the cabinet hardware is a nice touch that can bring it all together.

The Shocking Truth About Outlets
Outlets are often a problem in older kitchens. New homes have ground fault circuit interrupt (GFCI) outlets that automatically shut off if tripped by a short, such as if you drop your hair dryer in the bathtub. It can save a life to have this type of outlet in your kitchen and bath so that there is no danger of being shocked if something goes wrong. Water and electricity do not mix, so it’s better to be safe (and up to code) than sorry.

Everything… AND the Kitchen Sink
Appliances are a popular thing to swap out if you’re looking to upgrade in order to sell. If that’s the case, look into what the most current popular trends are for kitchen appliances: This year’s brushed metal look is last year’s avocado green with chrome edges.

trendy kitchen faucet, John Silva, The Fix-It ProfessionalsTake a good look at your sink, too. Is it chipped and stained? Is it too shallow? Would you rather have one big basin than be divided by “soap and rinse” halves? And what about those fixtures? Are they dated and coated with minerals or modern and functioning perfectly? Swapping out the sink basin and faucet are fast ways to change the look of the entire sink area and make it more appealing to buyers (or usable for you).

What Lurks Beneath
Kitchens are notorious for hidden rot problems. And small leaks are the worst, because you don’t notice anything is wrong, and then when an appliance or cabinet gets pulled out you discover years of rot and mold. A lot of kitchen cabinets are made of particle board that turns into more and more of a sponge once it starts to get damaged, which makes things worse.

The good news about mold is that it’s basically harmless in most situations. Obviously you don’t want to get a snoot full of spores while working on your kitchen, but according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)


, common molds that grow in damp places in your house are not toxic or dangerous for most people. It also doesn’t cause much damage (if any) and is easy to deal with by scrubbing the area with a bleach and water mix. It’s important to find out what’s causing the mold so it doesn’t come back, such as a small water leak that needs repair.

One thing you don’t need for the holidays is more work. Let The Fix-It Professionals help you get things done! Whether it’s replacing appliances or installing new cabinet fronts, give us a call to get your kitchen working properly and looking great. Consider hiring us on retainer so you can keep up with all the repairs that crop up during the winter, especially with El Nino on the way!  

Read on for our latest special.   

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