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Easy Fixes to Make Your Rental More Durable and Valuable

October 22, 2015  
Filed under Blog

Just like rental cars, rental houses can get more wear and tear from people who don’t own them. Renters aren’t always as kind to a house as you might be since they’re not the ones maintaining it, so it’s a good idea to be prepared and think ahead. 

paint-cans, john silva, the fix-it professionalsChoose “kid-proof” durable paint that’s easy to scrub clean. This is a good idea for any high-traffic situation, and if you plan to allow pets in your rental. Even the best-behaved kid can get a wild hair with a box of crayons, and you want to be able to get it back off as easily as possible. Pets can have a lot of natural oils in their fur and when they rub against things, they can leave a dark build-up in their favorite spots.

High-traffic carpeting and flooring is also a smart investment. Hardwood floors is a big trend right now because so many people do have pets and they’re so easy to clean. In our area, there’s less concern about very cold winters, which is when people want carpets the most. But, a lot of people want carpeting, so if you install new carpet, make sure it’s a color and pattern that will hide small stains.

Another place to swap out for easier maintenance is to replace cloth curtains with blinds. A damp sponge will take care of dust on a roller shade, and you can buy special vacuum attachments with fuzzy “fingers” to vacuum dust off mini-blinds. Tall vertical blinds can break at the top, so ask about durability before investing in those for places like sliding glass doors.

Easy care yards are another great place to save money, time, and trouble. Plants that need less water are the obvious choice to save money. They are often more durable, too, with tougher leaves and thicker woody stems. Grass is a water hog, and high-maintenance too, so consider replacing it with gravel or paving if it’s a high traffic area, or some other ground cover if you just want it to look lush and green but it’s not going to get walked on.

john silva, the fix-it professionals, computer keyboardHere’s a great way to increase the value of your rental for very little expense: Replace any worn out wall sockets with outlets that also have USB charging ports built right into them. This is a very popular feature right now and lets people charge their phone or other device without taking up an outlet. If you also check on the quality of the electricity throughout your rental and fix any issues, like power fluctuations or shorts in the system, you can then let renters know that it’s been made safe and optimized for all their tech devices and computers. You may even be able to charge a bit more rent because of this one simple feature!

Let the Fix-It Professionals upgrade your house! Even if you’re not renting out, paint and carpet that’s easier to clean is a wonderful thing! We can replace all those old outlets, too. And, of course, you can hire us on retainer for those ongoing repair needs and emergencies. Just give us a call.

Read on for our latest special.   


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