Friday, May 3, 2024

Hot, Dry, Scorched. How Do You Protect Your Garden and Home?

July 9, 2015  
Filed under Blog

The summer heat, combined with our current drought, makes everything seem even hotter, especially when you can’t just turn on the outdoor misting system, or let the kids run through the sprinklers.

Let’s start outside with ways of protecting your house and garden from the heat, then move inside with more ideas for your home next time. 

Trees: A Shady Solutionshady tree, John Silva, The Fix-It Professionals
The best way to prevent sun damage is to stop it in the first place. Big shade trees are great if you happen to have them, but don’t plant new ones now, it’s just too hot. Early spring is the best time to plant new trees, so you have plenty of time to daydream and talk to a nursery professional or arborist about what trees will work best for your yard. Plan ahead and think about where those big roots could end up. Tree roots that clog your sewer line or push up your pavement can mean expensive repairs down the road, so be careful where you plant, and what kind of trees you pick.

Roof-Top Barbecue!
Preventing heat from radiating through your roof is important too. A lot of people like the look of dark-colored shingles, but they absorb a lot more heat than lighter-colored ones do. Dark roofs can reach temperatures of nearly 200 degrees – hot enough to cook an egg! You sure don’t want a frying pan for a roof, so replace it as soon as you can to help lower cooling bill. If you can’t replace it right away, try painting it with a white reflective roof coating until you can.

Make Your Own Shade
Another solution for the patio and garden is shade cloth. There are different kinds that block different amounts of sun, up to 90%, and it comes in several colors. You can buy it in pre-cut sizes or by the yard, but you’ll need to stitch up the edges and add hanging grommets if you get it by the yard. If you have a veggie garden, shade cloth can prevent sunburn on your tomatoes and peppers. You can also use shade cloth as a temporary awning over your hottest windows to block the heat from coming inside. You’ll probably need to install posts with hooks to get the shade cloth just where you want it. As the seasons change, you can change the type of cloth, and then remove it completely in winter.

Let It Go
If some plants can’t take the heat, and you can’t spend the water on them, it may be time to say goodbye. Summer flowers can be replaced, so let those go and only water your more expensive shrubs, and then only enough to keep them going until fall. You may landscaping, John Silva, The Fix-It Professionalshave to settle for fewer roses or apples this year, and shrink the size of that lawn, or tear out the lawn completely and replace it with drought-friendly landscaping next spring.

As always, The Fix-It Professionals are here to help with your home and garden needs, including shade cloth wrangling, and installing more efficient ways of getting water to your plants. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment so you, and your yard, don’t have to keep baking in the summer sun!
Read on for our latest special.   


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