Sunday, April 28, 2024

Are You Ready to Shake Rattle and Roll?

September 2, 2014  
Filed under Blog

Most people are aware that we live in earthquake country. Every so often we get a stark reminder that this awareness isn’t ship, John Silva, The Fix-It Professionalsjust an idea, it’s reality. The recent quake in Napa, despite being a “moderate” quake, caused havoc for the residents of the area. In one local news report, it was mentioned that out of all the people who they interviewed, only ONE PERSON had an earthquake kit.  Perhaps recent events will motivate more of us to be prepared. Here are some tips to get you started. And please be sure to get your copy of our preparedness report by clicking here. 

Is Your Home in Ship Shape?

When inspecting and preparing your home for the next quake it might be helpful to think of what would happen if your home was actually a ship on the water. What would slip, slide or fall if you were bobbing along gently in the waves? What if there was a storm at sea?  

Room by room, check for items which are delicate or that may fall off or out of shelves. Earthquake putty, Velcro and strap anything

open cabinets, John Silva, The Fix-It Professionals

Yikes! Lots of stuff to worry about if this is your office.

Is Everybody Ready to Sail?

As captain of your ship, you want to make sure that the crew knows what to do in an emergency and that you have all the supplies you need for a brief stay at sea. You can create a do it yourself earthquake kit out of a 30 gallon plastic trash can by layering bedding and blankets, then food supplies, then add flashlights and a first aid kit on top.

Your crew will also need to know what to do during and after a quake. An earthquake drill is not just a good idea for the kids at school- it’s good for everyone. Make a plan to be safe using the most current safety suggestions and practice it.

Most of us were taught that the door jamb is the safest place in an earthquake, but that’s no longer true. In brief, if you’re in bed stay there, it’s the safest place (providing you’ve strapped any bookcases and secured any heavy objects on the wall); If you’re inside, get under a sturdy object like a table and cover your head, or if there is none, crouch near a load bearing wall; Do NOT run outside as most injuries occur from people being hit by glass or objects falling from buildings. Additional information and specific safety instructions are included in our report. 

Modern Morse Code  

women on phone, John Silva, The Fix-It ProfessionalsOnce the quake is over, local phone lines will be jammed.  In the moments after the quake, only use the phone for emergencies. Designate an out of the area relative as the point of contact for the family. In some cases you may be able to email or text before you can place a voice call.  

Use courtesy and good judgment while keeping relatives informed.

Beware of Ambulance Chasers

In every emergency, sadly, there are unscrupulous people who try to take advantage of homeowners who are trying to put their livesambulance, John Silva, The Fix-It Professionals back together. There is a seven day waiting period during which it is illegal for contractors (even those who are licensed) to solicit business. YOU are allowed to hire contractors, but it is illegal for them to approach you until after the waiting period has expired.

Be sure that the people you hire to help you are either people who you already know, or who you have carefully researched to determine whether or not they have the proper license for the job you would like them to do.

Considering Earthquake Insurance

It’s important to note that “normal” homeowners insurance does not cover earthquakes. If your home is damaged and you don’t have quake insurance, you will only be able to get federal assistance if a State of Emergency is declared. Rather than rely on the Governor or FEMA, earthquake insurance is an affordable “peace of mind” necessity in earthquake country.

If you’ve realized that you need to “batten down the hatches” in your home, and you’d prefer not to do it yourself, we’re here to help! Just give us a call and mention our Earthquake Special – pay for 3 hours of Handyman work and get the fourth one free! Read on for the details. 

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