Sunday, May 5, 2024

Getting Organized

May 29, 2012  
Filed under Blog

Garage Storage Options
garage ceiling storage
The overhead space in your garage may be considered wasted space. If you don’t have a lot of usable or available floor space in your garage, then overhead storage racks are a viable option.  It is a good way to store seasonal items, things that you don’t need on a regular basis, and anything that needs to be kept out of reach of children and pets.  These are strong, secure shelves typically constructed of 14-gauge industrial-grade steel.
Ceiling mounted shelving units, like the overhead storage units, are great space savers, and also keep things off the ground.  These, however, hug the wall
and provide easy access. They typically include only the basic hanging structure, requiring you to purchase your own shelf boards.
Wall mounted units come in many styles, and you’ll find wall systems as well as wall shelving.

Pegboard, as mentioned in our last issue, is an affordable hanging option for tools and other items, but there are many other wall systems to consider that will hold a variety of things, such as the one shown here. You can find a variety of hardware and hooks to hold all sorts of items, and installation is simple.

Peg Board

Slatwall systems have become much more affordable. You may have seen these in retail stores as fixtures, without giving them much notice. This is a versatile system for hanging things in your garage and, while similar to the system above, it consists of wall panels vs. strips. Just as the strip system, this one has a variety of hardware and hooks to hold your items, and you can also add shelving. Surprisingly enough, slatwall can even be found online at Target.
Wire Basket Storage
The most logical storage option is, of course, shelving units.  You can choose from stand-alone units, wall-mounted or ceiling mounted units.

Stand-alone units are constructed out of plastic, wood, metal, or a combination of those materials, and most of us have one or more of these.  They are typically easy to assemble and, with the exception of plastic, can be secured to the wall.  They can be found in most any discount or home improvement store in all sizes. With this type of shelving, opt for quality and durability over price, as the most affordable is not always the one that will last.  Heavy duty shelving is your best option for the garage.

If you are not handy and want built-in wood shelves, The Fix-It Professionals will be happy to assist you!  For DIYers, you can find plans online to build them yourselves.

Wire shelving units can be found in a variety of places as well.  These units can either be stationary or Wire Shelvesadjustable, are lightweight but strong, and are easy to assemble. They are popular and affordable, and can also be used in any room in the house (e.g. pantry or closet shelving). Some of these are stand- alone units as in the picture at the left, but some are also systems that are mounted on the wall. If you need mobility, you can buy wire shelving racks on wheels to move your things around the garage as needed.

Getting your bikes up on hooks will free up more space for you as well.  Take a look at these hook options, both vertical and horizontal, for your garage wall. Although designed for bikes, you probably can find other things that can be hung on them, to get them up off the ground.


Bike Hanger Hanging System for garage Bikes on the wall

Your storage options and resources are virtually endless, especially if you do even a little bit of research on the internet.  You can find any sort of shelving and hanging units to meet your own specific needs, so you can get that “stuff” put away.  Good luck getting organized!

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