Monday, May 20, 2024

If you’ve got residential or commercial property in need of any kind of repair, you are in the right place!

Because if it’s broken, we can fix it.

Your project is important. You don’t want to wait for contractors who are late, messy,  unfriendly or just plan don’t’ know what they are doing. Your project is important regardless of the size. We’re different from any handyperson service you’ve ever hired.


Because we care. Once you get to know us, you’ll understand that with us - it’s personal

Welcome to The Fix-It Professionals, offering friendly and professional electrical repair, handy work and more for residential and commercial structures. Please choose the option below that best fits you.

Being wheelchair bound, I was trapped in my home, and there was no     way my wife could help me down the steps to get out of the house. John made me a ramp, so I could get out of the house and to the store, or doctor. John is one of the nicest persons that I have ever had work for me. Not only did he do a beautiful job on my ramp, he did it for a very good price. He truly was trying to help me. Thanks to John I am free to come and go in and out of the house by myself.

Bert Bruno Pittsburg, CA





Hello from the Fix it Professionals!

Finding someone you can trust to enter that most sacred space, your home, can be quite daunting. How often have you felt uncomfortable with who has shown up at your door to fix or repair something? However, you need the thing that is broken to be repaired, so you reluctantly let them in!

How often have those very same people left you with a mess to clean up? Or  they have been late without calling, a no-show or expect you to be a mind-reader about what they are going to do in your home?

We here at The Fix-It Professionals know how you feel. We know how important it is to respect your home as much as we do our own. It is important that we make you feel safe, secure and happy with the service you receive.

Not only do we know how to fix that which is broken but we do it with care, kindness and thoughtfulness. After all, as a husband and wife team we ARE YOU. We, too, have a home, and office, that are important to us. Just like you, we want  someone we KNOW, LIKE AND TRUST.

Find out today how easy it is to get your project done. The Fix-It Professionals do their best to make you feel taken care of and at the same time GET THE JOB DONE!

We look forward to hearing from you,

John A. and Joan Silva

The Fix-It Professionals

Husband & Wife Team

John A and Joan Silva

Call Us: 925-432-7570

Email us at: