Thursday, May 16, 2024

Halloween. How do you celebrate it?

October 28, 2021  
Filed under Homeowner

Halloween. How do you celebrate it?

I enjoy Halloween decorations, symbols, and rituals. It comes from my gratitude and respect for all the love and support given to me by family, friends, and clients.  Halloween and The Day of the Dead are both at this time of year. A time when we remember those that are no longer with us and provided so much.

Speaking of rituals, binging on candy is not my favorite ritual, Ha!  Who am I kidding?  I love candy.  Good thing we no longer buy any since few children “trick-or-treat” in our neighborhood.  I can’t stop myself from dipping into the bowl again, and again.


This year, Joan and I put up outdoor lights on our home to celebrate the season.  We hope they bring delight and enjoyment to all who pass by or live near us. 

Recently, I so enjoyed my client’s fully decorated home. As I drove up to her home, the yard, walkway, and front stoop were impressively decorated for Halloween. You can see from the few photos I took that she really enjoys decorating for Halloween. On my next visit to her home in November, I will be helping her with Christmas decorations … Christmas lights, here they come! I look forward to what else she adds to brighten up the holiday!



We hope you enjoy this Halloween in your own way. Give us a call If we can help with your holiday needs!


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