Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Top 10 Gift Ideas for the Holidays!

The Fix-It Professionals Top Ten List 

She's been nagging, pleading and begging for you to please, please, please fit-it. Fix what's been broken or needs repaired. Now is the perfect time to do just that for that special someone in your life.

And, while you're at it, #10 would be a good start!

# 10. Mani Pedi. Send her for a Mani Pedi while you do her most pleaded for home project

# 9. Spa Day. You simply can't get it wrong to send her off for some much needed pampering. Let her know you care AND while she's gone, clean the house -- from top to bottom. We promise this will be a big hit!

# 8. Take your pick. She's given you a list, probably daily, of what she wants fixed, updated, or replaced. Pick one and do it. Knock her socks off that finally it is done!

# 7. Garbage disposal stopped running? Surprise her by getting a fabulous new, high powered one and install it on the QT.

# 6. Window treatments. How many times has she shown you in the store or catalog the very window treatments she wants. How amazing would it be if you actually had them bought and installed!

#5 Hang those pictures and mirrors. Easy, peasy. Get out your hammer, nails, and level ... time to hang those pictures and mirrors that have been in the closet / garage forever!

# 4. Update the room. She's hated the color since day one and insists the room would be so much better with crown molding. Time to get out that paint brush, roller, and table saw. Surprise her with a room just as she envisioned it.

# 3. Put up those holiday lights and decorations. It's time to delight her with your amazing creative decorative yard display. Don't delay, do it today. No nagging required to motivate!

# 2. New lighting. She's been begging for those canned lights since the day you moved into the house. Maybe it's time to light up her life with new lighting!

And ...

# 1. Hire a handyman to get it done for her. Don't put it off. Make her merry this Christmas Day!

The Top 10 Fact or Crap List!

Can You Sort it out? What is Fact and What is not!

# 10. Smoke alarms are supposed to last forever.
# 9. You don’t need to keep up with regular repairs and maintenance on your home.

# 8. Rain gutters never get clogged with leaves and even if they do, you can ignore it.

# 7. Toilets never flush on their own.

# 6. Light fixtures must be replaced if the bulb burns out.
# 5. You do not need to have window screens.

# 4. It's not necessary to remove the lint from your dryer vents.

# 3. Fire extinguishers are priceless and every home needs to have one.

# 2. Garage shelving must be custom built or complicated to put together.

And ...

# 1. Thermostats do not have a battery.
Did you guess which ones were FACT and which ones were CRAP?

If you guessed that most were crap ... you were right.

All except fire extinguishers -- they are indeed priceless, and every home needs at least one.

We used our fire extinguisher in the neighbor’s garage after hearing their smoke alarms go off. Their dryer, a brand new one, was on fire in the garage.

The fire department did the heavy lifting. We just gave them more time to do their work.

Hope you enjoyed our fun facts -- If you noticed something on the list you would like some assistance on -- please let us know.

The Top 10 Scary Home Fails!

The Fix-It Professionals TOP 10 List


#10. The ceiling fan is screwed into only the wall board: 

Did the Headless Horseman need his glasses when he missed the stud or rafter? Watch out or you'll end up headless! eek!

# 9. The ceiling light fixture falls out 

Can you say crash! Who has that magic wand?

# 8. Outlets have the wires reversed

Could you be setting up for Frankenstein's monster laboratory? Zap, crackle, pop!

# 7. Washing machine dances across the floor

You know, it could be the witches -- they like to dance, too.

# 6. Toilet flushes by Itself

Maybe a Friendly Ghost is having some fun with you?

# 5. Sound of water running

Mysterious, unknown source. Oh no! Could it be a pirate looking for water to sail upon?

# 4. Smoke detector screams in middle of night

Did someone step on the black cats tail? Yikes, is that bad luck?

# 3. Gutters growing weeds, pumpkins and Witch Hazel

Is it time to pick those for the Halloween season?

# 2. Spiders sneaking into the house 

Oh, oh, the fuzzy Tarantula found that hole in the screen!

# 1. Creaking floor boards

Who's that knocking at my door? Can you hear the rattling bones as they draw near?

Although we here at The Fix-It Professionals love Halloween and enjoy making fun of scary home fails, we know it's serious business if any of these are happening in your home. None of these are scary to us -- so, why not let us help you fix those failing, haunted home mysteries.

Check out our October special offer here.


The Top 10 Time, Money, and Labor Savers!

The Fix-It Professionals TOP 10 List


#10. Grow Your Own Vegetables

Growing your own vegetables at home can be rewarding and fun. Don't forget to include the kids or grandkids in this endeavor, too. No need to rent any major equipment, just a few tomato plants will do the trick. Want more than just tomatoes? There are plenty of other veggies that grow nicely in containers. Wouldn't it be convenient, the next time you need a veggie, to simply step outside and pick one! It'll certainly save you time (no trip to the grocery store), as well as save you money and gas!

# 9. Repair Any Holes in Walls or Screens

Did a door knob slam through the wall after one too many slams? Or, maybe someone punched a whole in the screen, yet again? You can easily fix a few holes in your drywall with setting compound or by cutting out the damaged sections and replacing them with new drywall. And, for that hole in the screen, screening kits are inexpensive and easy to use, and come with full instructions. No need to live with a pesky, flapping screen.

# 8. Caulk it -- Inside and Out!

It’s fun, it’s easy, it’s caulking. Whether inside or out, get that caulk gun to the ready. Dig out the old caulk, and caulk away! Cheap and easy.

#7. Clean Furnace and Air Conditioning Filters Regularly

Cut down on your energy costs by regularly replacing the dirty filter every couple of months -- unless you have pets, then you might need to do it more often.

#6. Rent Versus Purchase

No need to own your own tool or equipment, even if the DIY project you are planning requires a special tool. Why not rent it instead of purchasing it? Most times the rental is far cheaper. Common tools you can rent by the hour or day include pressure washers, jackhammers, hammer drills and carpet cleaners.

#5. Install a Clothesline

Ah! The fresh smell of clothes hung outdoors and dried by the sun -- can you smell it? Makes you want to run right out and buy that clothesline and install it, doesn't it? Not to mention, it cuts down on the costly use of a dryer! An electric clothes dryer can cost you as much as $85 a year in electricity costs! Okay, so yes, It does require some manual labor to install a clothesline (check with your HOA to insure you are allowed to have one) but the wonderful fresh smell of your laundry is well worth it!

#4. A Quick Coat of Paint

What could be quicker or easier to refresh a room than a new coat of paint? The cost of a gallon of paint is less than $50, most times even less than that. Add a few more dollars for a set of rollers, paint brushes, and painter’s tape, you're all set. All that's required is a bit of man (woman) power! No other way to make that old, tired room feel young again!

#3. Weatherstripping is Easy

Notice a bit of light beneath your exterior doors or air seeping in your electrical outlets? Then grab a few packages of self-adhesive rubber foam weatherstripping and seal up any and all doors that lead outside. There are special weatherstripping for outlets. Cheap. Easy. And, now you save on energy bills.

#2. Switch to Energy Star Products

According to, folks can save upwards of $30 million on their utility bills and help reduce greenhouse gases by using Energy Star-rated products. This includes CFL and LED light bulbs, household appliances, building materials, and HVAC equipment among many others. Certainly can't beat that for a frugal living tip! AND it not only lets you to take advantage of their energy savings but, may qualify you for the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit.

And, just in case none of these appeal, how about ...

#1  Insulation is Key

It could save you a decent sum. Certainly, installing it yourself could seem a bit intimidating, yet a bit of batting in the attic can be easy. A few hours and you're done. Insulating your attic space, you'll instantly feel warmer (in winter), or cooler (in summer). The real plus -- is the savings on your next heating bill!

Not up to the task of doing it yourself? No time to do it? Or, a bit fearful climbing on a ladder or crawling in an attic?
Want or need our help? Then, why not take advantage of our retainer offer this month?!

The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Home a Vacation Destination!

Is Your Home Staycation Ready?

 The Fix-It Professionals TOP 10 List


Is a staycation actually better than a real vacation? What about your much needed R&R? Would you be able to get that if you stayed at home versus traveled away from home?

Are you worried you'll feel pressed to do laundry, clear clutter, or wash dishes if you stay home?

What if you made your home a bit more staycation friendly to insure it really is better than going abroad?

#10. Enjoy the view out your windows.

Is it time to wash those windows? Freshen up window coverings? Nobody wants to check out the view through a dirty window!

# 9. Paint that room.

Need to brighten up a room or two? How about an accent wall? Nothing more enjoyable than a fresh coat of paint to brighten up that vacation spot!

# 8. Let's be bug-free.

Big gaping hole in your window screens or screen doors? Let's get those repaired so our indoor staycation time is bug-free! Keep those critters outside where they belong.

#7. Spruce up your deck.

Or, as a Scottish friend of ours says, "your backie!" In other words, is your backyard ready for your stay-at-home relaxation? Do you really want to do weeding on your vacation?

#6. Vacation toys at the ready. 

Is it time to get that garage in useful order? Hang that kayak on the wall. Bikes in a rack from ceiling hooks. Shelves for play things and outdoor toys. Why dig through piles just to find your kids (or grand-kids) Nerf ball, Bottle Bash, or pool floatie? Have it all at the ready!

#5. Create a reading nook.

Need a "hidey-hole" to hang out? Get away from the noise of the family for a restful summer read? Why not create one!

#4. Add drip irrigation to your yard.

Make your yard maintenance free for this vacation. Let the plants water themselves!

#3. Freshen up your curb appeal.

Your homes curb appeal, that is! Wouldn't it be nice to walk up to the front of your home, and like a hotel, feel welcome and at ease? Maybe a new "welcome" mat.

#2. Patio umbrellas for shade.

Why not add a few shaded areas to your yard, somewhere to hang out where no sunscreen is required!

And, just in case none of these appeal, how about ...

 #1  Bathroom freshened and ready.

Fix that towel bar you keep meaning to put back up. Or, install a new toilet to replace the constantly problematic old one. Who wants to deal with an overflowing toilet on vacation?

Want or need our help? Why not take advantage of our retainer offer this month?!

What Safety Hazards Do You Need to Watch Out For?

The Fix-It Professionals TOP 10 List


#10. Fire Hazards.

Everything from insufficient or non-functioning smoke detectors, to sparky outlets could lead to an accidental fire.

#9. Trip Hazards.

Staircases and bathrooms are the areas most likely you'll trip or fall. Do you have solid handrails, adequate lighting, secure rugs, and safety rails?

#8. Carbon Monoxide Hazard.

Are your detectors and alarms in good working order? Do you have the ones that alert you if the carbon monoxide levels get to a dangerous level?

#7. The Hazard of Excess.

The average American home has 300,000 items in it. Much of that ends up piled and stacked in hazardous ways. Can't fit your car in the garage or invite a guest over due to all that excess?

#6. Sharp Objects Hazard.

It's not difficult to grasp the dangers of sharp edges and objects. However, areas we tend to get a bit careless are yard tools and sharp kitchen objects improperly or not safely stored.

#5. Paints and Chemicals Hazards.
It is that time of year -- BBQ's and fireworks time! Do you have your grill supplies and sparklers properly and safely stored? And, let's not forget paints, household cleaners, and pesticides -- do you have them locked up for safety?

#4. Visibility Hazards.

Not enough lighting in your home, yard, or street? Let's refer back to #9 above! Or, maybe even #6 or #7!

#3. Dishwasher and Garbage Disposal Hazards.

In danger of a flood because of a dishwasher or disposal not in good working order? What about frayed appliance cords? Back up sinks? Is it time for a maintenance call?

#2. Stove Hazards.

Can you say HOT?! Most of us know the hazard a boiling pot on the stove, or a burner left on accidentally. What about improperly installed stoves? This happens more often than you realize.

And, just in case none of these weren't scary enough ...

#1  GFCI Hazard!

Not sure why that GFCI keeps popping or, the circuit breaker keeps tripping? Could it be over-taxed outlets, or simply over-worked outlets? Many homes electrical systems are not prepared to have as many appliances, computers and entertainment centers plugged in as we

Want or need our help? Why not take advantage of our retainer offer this month?!

 How Will You Show Your Mom You Appreciate Her?

 The TOP 10 Ways to Honor Your Mother!

It's that time of year, May. The weather has shifted to Spring -- perfect time to plant and enjoy flowers, appreciate longer sunny days, and the month to honor your mother.

In what way will you let your mom know you appreciate her?

Maybe one of these simple ways would fit the bill.

#10. Cook or make her favorite meal

Is breakfast her favorite meal of the day? Pancakes and all their fixings? Or, better yet, take her out for that meal just in case your culinary skills are not up to the challenge!

#9. Clean up the house.

Did you know there is a link between too much clutter and depression? And, guess who is the most affected by it? You guessed it -- Women, especially Moms are the hardest hit! (Study Looks at Clutter's Effect on Families).

# 8. Touch up the paint throughout the house.

Get out that paint brush and slap some paint on those areas begging for freshening up. Maybe that's a dab of paint here or there, an accent wall, or an entire room! What has she been begging you to paint for eons now?

#7. Ask Mom what special project she wants done.

Are there areas of her home that need fixing up? Delayed maintenance? How about you surprise her and get them fixed!

#6. Plant new flowers in the yard or planters.

Flowers always put a smile on a woman's face. Why not put a few in a beautiful planter box, or segment of her yard? I know she'd enjoy lovely, fresh blossoms!

#5. Take Mom on a picnic.

Dust off that picnic basket, pull together a few of her favorite foods, and grab Mom for an outdoor dining experience. Don't forget the sunscreen!

#4. How about a special drive to a favored spot?

Does Mom love the peacefulness and smells of the ocean? Well then, hop in the car and take her to that restful oasis!

#3. What about a hike in the woods or along the ocean?

Many Mom's enjoy being outdoors, moving her body and taking in nature. If that is your Mom, then get out those hiking shoes and off to the woods you go!

#2. High tea is all the rage -- take Mom to tea.

Who doesn't love all those tiny, crust removed sandwiches, lemon tarts, cookies, and a hot cuppa tea? Mom especially would enjoy this quiet, peaceful tradition.

And, just in case none of these suggestions were quite right...

#1. Do WHATEVER Mom Wants!

Remember, if "Momma not happy ... nobody happy!"

Enjoy your Mother's Day and maybe, just maybe, spread it out to the entire month of May!

Those Silly Pranks Your Home Plays on You

The TOP 10 Ways Your Home Fools You!


You think it's something major.  You say to yourself, "Oh no! Not another thing wrong with my home! This is gonna cost me a pretty penny."

So, you call your friendly handyman electrician, John A. Silva and here's what he finds ...

#10. You turned the ceiling fan off with the pull chainThat's right. Now it won't work with the light switch. You mean the fan isn't broken?

# 9. Your light fixture no longer works. You think it's an expensive electrical issue but then you find out, the plug just fell out of the wall. Or, better yet, the fixture isn't compatible with that type of light bulb!

# 8. Your thermostat craps out. Time for a new one? Oh, but wait, it's just the batteries. Thermostat's have batteries, you ask?

#7. Your Garbage disposal stops running. No need for a costly replacement ... just remove the beer bottle cap jammed inside it.

#6. The electricity went out in your Bathroom. Could it be that pesky GFCI tripped? Hit reset and magically the electricity comes on!

#5. Even better ... the electricity went out in the whole house. Let's all learn how to properly reset our circuit breakers. Full click OFF. Full click ON. Yep. It's that simple.

#4. I can't open or close my garage door. Do not fret. Try removing all that stuff from in front of the automatic garage door sensor!

#3. Your favorite, expensive light fixture isn't working. What do you mean it has a 3-way bulb in it and I just need to click it more than once?

#2. Not again ... my ceiling fan won't come on. No, it's not the chain pull. Oh, but wait, the batteries in the remote are dead?

And, the that one makes most of us want to smack our heads in disbelief ...

#1  The bulb is burned out. Yep! That's why the fixture won't work.

Before you pick up the phone for that expensive service call ... make sure your home isn't fooling you! Check the EASY before you worry it is the EXPENSIVE.

Once you are sure ... then please, give us a call. We'd be happy to fix what's truly broken!

Want our help? Let us know!

Is your Home Springtime Ready?

TOP 10 Springtime Spruce Up Tips


Here comes that sunshine, ready or not. And, wouldn't you know it, that sunshine spotlights all those maintenance issues you've not noticed all winter.
Here are the top 10 to consider to spruce up for spring!
#10 Examine Your Roof Shingles. With the sunshine of Spring, also comes the rain. Let's keep that water outside and repair those cracked or missing shingles.
# 9 What about that wooden trim on your house. Get out that handy screw driver and probe any wood areas on your home -- trim, shutters, doors, railings, and decks. Make the repairs now to prevent more damage. Check the caulk while you're at it!


# 8 Check those gutters. Growing a garden in there? Then, yep it's time to get them cleaned out. And, while you're at it, check the downspouts, too. Are they draining away from the foundation?
#7 Low areas around the foundation. Fill in with compacted earth any low areas against the house and foundation. Those puddles next to the house are perfect breeding grounds for insects.
#Examine your chimney. Any outward signs of cracks or damage? It's a good time to have the flue cleaned and inspected, too.
#5 Inspect the concrete. Any signs of cracks or movement? It might be time to fill the cracks with a concrete crack filler or silicone caulk. When weather permits, power-wash and seal the concrete.

#4 Move that firewood. Now is the time to move that pile away from the house. For safety reasons, wood needs to be stored 18 inches off the ground and 2 feet away from the house.
#3 Check the outside faucets. Check the faucets for any damage. And, while you're at it, check the hose for dry rot.


#2 Service the A/C unit. Make sure your A/C is running at peak performance. Those electric bills can be a killer.
And, the one most of us want done ...


#1  Spruce up that patio. Easter, Passover, Mother's Day and Father's Day are on the way. What better way to celebrate but to have your patio ready to go?

Want our help? Let us know!

Do you Want to Make your Honey Happy?



Well, then maybe it's time to  get that honey do list done!

Here are the top 10 we see, again and again, on the Honey Do lists of our clients.

#10 Clean up that caulk. Who wants to shower or take a nice long soak with nasty caulk? Not your honey!

# 9 Fix that ceiling fan. It does have a useful purpose after all -- lighting and cooling. Put a smile on her face, one that you can actually see because the light finally works.

# 8 Hang those pictures, clothes hooks, towel bars, and shelves. Nothing makes honey more crabby than bare walls where she wants a nice painting, towels piled in a heap, or the toilet roll on the floor.

#7 Move that furniture. Honey likes a fresh, new perspective on living spaces. Does that require some muscle to move things around? You bet! More often than you can imagine.

#Freshen up that wall with a new coat of paint. Your honey really does see that wall of dings, scratched up base boards, and a color from an era gone by!

#5 Replace those burned out bulbs and worn out batteries in the smoke detectors. I'm sure you agree, safety is important. That means proper lighting and alarms that work.

#4 Stop the leaks. Nothing more irritating to honey than a constantly dripping faucet or toilet that flushes on its own.

#3 Fix that window. And, while you're at it, clean them, too!

#2 Repair those screens. Spring is on its way after all. Wouldn't honey be happy to have a 'bug free' home?

And, one of the most common honey do's ...

#1  Clean up the garage. Or, maybe another area your honey sees as your clutter.

Any of these sound familiar to you?



#10 Your toilet has a mind of its own -- In the middle of the night it flushes itself.

#9 Your ceiling fan stopped running for no apparent reason. Maybe it just got tired of spinning round and round?

#8 You have books and stuff everywhere and no place to put it all. You're convinced they breed when you're not looking!

#7 You need more storage space and shelves. Where is that storage genie when you need him?

#6 Your door opens by itself when you swear you latched it. Could it be you left it open? You know that you didn't!

#5 You have no electricity in the bathrooms. Please tell me this is an easy fix.

#4 You could have sworn you plugged that cord into the outlet. What's it doing on the floor?

#3 Your sink stopped draining and appears to be growing mold and hair. Could it be the scary sewer monster has come for a visit?

#2 Your gutters are overflowing. You wonder when you planted that lovely garden of weeds up there?

And, one of the most common ...

#1  You can't hang a picture or a shelf without it falling off the wall. And, if you do, you must cock your head slightly to insure it looks straight. Is that vertigo you're experiencing?

Any of these sound familiar to you?

Want our help? Let us know!